Lizzette Perez

Lizzette Perez's Fundraiser

Help Me Connect With Other Mom's at A Special Retreat! image

Help Me Connect With Other Mom's at A Special Retreat!

Help enable us to better care for our family.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$900 towards $3,000

Hello and Besitos to you! Did you know that Nineteen research studies have identified parents of children with disabilities to have an increased risk for depression (95%) and anxiety (90%). The divorce rate is over 85% for parents of children with a disability.

In September 2023, I experienced my first Labeled and Loved Retreat which was life changing and empowering and I am set to help raise funds to help other moms experience this retreat. Thank you to everyone who donated last year to help me and other moms attend!

If you know me personally and have watched me navigate being a Mom to Melinda and our miracle twins, Mia and Maya through therapies, medical procedures and hospital stays all while happily juggling my career and giving back to the community, I had been doing so while searching for a specific community like this, that truly connects me with other Moms, both, who I could lean on and giving me and opportunity to help a mom through momentary crisis that arise. As a primary caretaker of a child with a disability, I am at serious risk of burnout. This was especially true when my kids were younger as with any mom. However, attending this retreat gave me an opportunity to hug many moms who desperately needed one. I needed many hugs too!

I created this fundraiser to humbly ask you to help Labeled and Loved help our family. At the Labeled and Loved Retreat, every moment is carefully curated to empower moms like me to combat these statistics all while relaxing, having fun, finding community, and equipping me to return home with the tools to best care for my child—and myself. The moms I met have become my lifelines and help keeps me from feeling alone in this unexpected version of motherhood.—and you can be a part of it.

Your support means so much to me and will make a real difference in enabling me to continue to care for my family. The funds I raise will help us connect at this retreat! Hope you can help with getting the word out by sharing and giving a little something!

Take a look at some of my experience here!